TUCO & thefoodpeople issue a Global Food & Beverage Trends report every year to highlight where trends have increased or decreased in popularity over the recent years, but also where new trends have emerged. This report provides members with information to help them plan their menus.

The 2022 report has been launched at the TUCO Winter Conference today (30th November 2022).

This year's report highlights the frugality of consumers - especially students - due to the cost of living increases and price rises. This has resulted in a focus on pared-back dishes, seasonal ingredients and waste reduction. The report states that consumers are therefore eating less, but better, and sharing and grazing alot more. 

Healthier options have also seen an upward trend, with younger consumers especially reducing their alcohol intake. 

The report covers topics such as 'what's new in 2022/23?', macro trends and drivers, social and cultural trends, and more.

TUCO members can download the latest report for free here. Please note: you must be logged-in to access this page.