TUCO is responsible for creating EU/UK compliant Framework Agreements for our members to use. All agreements are tendered in accordance with the public procurement regulations & European Purchasing Directives (where applicable) to ensure there is equal treatment of all Tenderers and that the process is fair and transparent. Due to the value of these framework agreements i.e. they exceed £189,330 (£213,477 from 1st Jan 2022) TUCO advertise in the UK Find a Tender Service & Official Journal of the European Union (where applicable).

How to become a TUCO supplier

TUCO tenders (whether framework agreement or DPS) are conducted on-line through the In-Tend system and we ask that all interested suppliers logon to https://in-tendhost.co.uk/tuco/aspx/ and register their company. This electronic tender system enables suppliers to view tender opportunities and express interest, offering a secure environment to download tender documentation and submit tender responses electronically.

You are advised to log in to your In-Tend account on a regular basis to ensure that your details are up-to-date.

We also advise that you have more than one individual registered to ensure that you do not miss any opportunities.

Our Agreements

TUCO use different types of Agreements depending on the needs of the members and the market, these are Framework Agreements and Dynamic Purchasing Systems.

Framework Agreements

TUCO’s Framework Agreements usually range from a minimum of two to a maximum of four years (including all extensions) and all frameworks that are due for renewal are advertised. TUCO normally conduct an EU tender using the Open or Restricted Procedures. These procedures take 6-9 months so if there is a framework you are interested in, but which has already been awarded, please check back 6-9 months before the end date (or final extension date). Once the evaluations have been finalised and the suppliers have been awarded, there is no opportunity to join this list of suppliers until the next tendering opportunity.

TUCO will carry out the SQ and ITT stage of the tender process and our members will call-off these agreements.

Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS)

This process varies from the Framework Agreement in that it provides a shortlist of suppliers from which TUCO members can conduct an e-competition for tenders. Unlike a framework agreement, suppliers can apply to join the DPS at any point during its cycle and also reapply if unsuccessful. 

TUCO will carry out the first pre-qualifying stage of the DPS and the members will use these suppliers to conduct the ITT stage.

Look for 'DPS' at the end of a framework agreement name to advise which of our agreements use the DPS format.


Any more questions? Contact us below.