
Klimato is the better way for food businesses to calculate their emissions. Powered by scientifically backed, globally sourced, peer reviewed data, the Klimato platform enables businesses to calculate, report and create opportunity through their sustainability goals. Our tools build the foundations for your food business to guide consumers to revenue optimised options and gives your kitchen the ability to calculate emissions in realtime to build more sustainable menu items.

Klimato puts your organisation on the map for eco-conscious consumers, builds trust in your recipes and provides new opportunities to communicate what you do best. Use our labels and marketing resources to grow awareness around your brand and its mission.

Whether you are on a mission to reach net-zero or find the best ways for your organisation to be more sustainable, Klimato can help. Our platform removes the barriers in making sustainable decisions at every stage of the food production and preparation process. Our tools are also supported by a team of sustainability success partners to help you drive the behaviour you want to see in your consumers every step of the way. Our teams constantly monitor the latest requirements and trends to help you lead in your sustainable practices.

Be compliant, build a stronger brand, save revenue and time with Klimato. Supported by data you know you can trust.